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Healthy and welcoming schools

What exactly do I think a healthy and welcoming school is?

I believe that a healthy and welcoming school is one where students, families, teachers and staff and the wider school community believe they can safely be themselves. They can feel safe if they speak up, ask a question, share a concern, and ask for help. In my time as a bus driver, I have experienced issues of.

  • Anti black racism

  • Anti Semitism

  • Homophobic slurs

  • Misogynistic comments

  • Bullying

  • Fighting

  • Vandalism

  • Hunger

  • Poverty


Below are a portion of the results of a student survey 













Do you as a student or parent believe your school is a healthy and welcoming place? 


Would you like to be involved in making things better?


I would like to be a part, and I would like you to be a part in making our schools better!


Vote Chris Goff for Trustee!!


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